<aside> 💡

Background: AI Scholars is a 4month long Gen AI Engineering Project Based Bootcamp organized by the team behind Sparkcraft.com, from April to August 2024.

Starting October 2024, the team is currently organizing a related course called LLM Data Science Fundamental Course: https://aischolars.notion.site/llm-fundamental-study-group


<aside> 💡 Getting started

Course Meeting Recordings & Homework

<aside> 💡 📆 Join our calendar invite, or directly join our study group weekly Sunday at 8pm EST (between Apr 21 and May 25th) at weekly study group zoom room


Course Meeting Recordings

👨‍🔧 Study Group Members

<aside> 💡 Please add your ‘Name’ and your ‘About’ so others can know you. This Section is only visible to existing members



🧑‍🏫 Study Topics

<aside> 💡 These are the Study Topics of our study group, mostly are modules from Microsoft Generative AI for Beginners course. We plan to spend 6 weeks, to finish the course, and get through about 4 modules per week. Each we we recommend each member to pick one module to learn, take notes, and teach to others.


Course Modules

📓Study Notes

<aside> 💻 Please add your notes below, or add into our old shared powerpoint for the study group, and new shared powerpoint for the Weekly Hackathon


Study Notes

🚀Study Group Projects
